ApplY Now!


The combination of elements offered in this program is very stretching for applicants and involves a high level of commitment. It will include working full time, relating to employers and fellow employees, reading and completing required studies during non-work times, and living together in tight quarters. A certain level of maturity, responsibility, teachability, and desire to grow is necessary. For the maturing young adult, it has proven to be a unique opportunity for growth in the Lord and other areas of life.

Please prayerfully consider if God is leading you to apply and be aware of the commitments listed below before applying. We are part of Young Life, but not exclusive to Young Life. If you have never been involved with Young Life, please feel free to apply for this program.

How to Apply

In order to apply, first make sure you meet the qualifications and are willing to keep the commitments asked. Click the links below to view the qualifications and commitments.

What are the qualifications to apply?

Do I Qualify to Apply?

2 Timothy 2:2 says, “And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men [people], who will be able to teach others also” (NASB).

Believing this to be a clear biblical definition and purpose for a discipling ministry, this program is for men and women who:

  1. Are teachable, have displayed qualities of faithfulness in their lives, are seeking God’s leading and have a sincere desire to grow in an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. Are at least one full year out of high school, preferably two or more. College graduates and career people are welcome and encouraged to apply. Must be at least 18 years old.
  3. Are able to come for the entire program unless prearranged exceptions are made. Exceptions are allowed for school or Young Life leaders to take kids to camp.
  4. Are willing to make the Commitments listed within this website.

If you feel that you qualify for our program, please see above to read the application procedure and apply.

What are the commitments?

As part of attending the YL Summer Work Experience, there are several commitments that we ask you to make before you come.
  1. To stay for the entire program period unless exceptions for school or Young Life responsibilities are made prior to arrival. If I have to miss any of the program, I will keep up with the required study.
  2. To attend and be on time to all required meetings and other functions.
  3. To submit to the program leadership.
  4. To read the chapter(s) assigned each week, write out answers to the questions, and come to discussion meetings prepared.
  5. To spend regular one-on-one time with leadership.
  6. To work willingly, cheerfully, and to the best of my ability at whatever job I am assigned. I will be at work each scheduled day, unless legitimately sick, be on time, and submit to the authority and regulations of leads and supervisors.
  7. To make every effort to develop closeness and unity with my cabin mates and small group, be open and available to friendships with the entire community, include others in activities and avoid “cliques”.
  8. To refrain from the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs the entire time I am living at either property–before, during or after program.
  9. To be “non-exclusive” and “non-physical” in relationships, both within and outside the program, as defined below.
  10. To be in my own cabin and in my own bunk by the designated curfew times.
  11. Participants must be willing to submit to standards of lifestyle and male/female relationships deemed to be in the best interest of the group, and the best witness to those with whom we work. We ask that guys and girls develop friendships with the entire group and that no relationship becomes exclusive. By exclusive we mean a relationship with an individual of either sex, or a small group of people, where you are always together, others feel uncomfortable in your presence and you are not available to the community. This in no way eliminates one-on-one time alone with another person or the development of relationships that are more special than others. However, exclusive relationships are detrimental to the community as a whole as they reduce the opportunity to be available to minister to others, or to be ministered to. We also ask that you refrain from dating co-workers and others in the area, and that all relationships not be physical beyond what would be appropriate with any other member of the community.

Program Dates

Below are the dates for the upcoming year. Discipleship Focus features an all-summer discipleship program that combines the real life elements of work, biblical studies and nurturing, the support of a Christian community, and the opportunity for friendship evangelism.


May 29 - July 31 2025


May 29 - July 31 2025

Second, fill out an Application. We will notify you when we have received it.

Next, have someone who knows you well fill out an Evaluation of you. It should be completed by a ministry leader or person with knowledge about your spiritual status and maturity–preferably not an immediate family member or friend. Applicants are responsible for sending their evaluator the link below.

Alumni wishing to return to the program for another summer need only to fill out a Returnee Application. No Evaluation is necessary for returnees.

To fill out the application form or the evaluation form please click on the desired link below: